E-mail seems to not going out from mail organization, right after the new installation exchange 2007.
Make sure the address space on the send connector is set to *. If you don't have send connector you will need to create one, by going to Hub Transport server tab on EMC (Exchange management Console), make a right chose new send connector, give it a name( send connector ) , click down arrow define use for this connector Such as internet, follow the wizard and finish creating the send connector.
Perform test mail, use queue viewer on the tool box to determine what is going on with the message. The queue viewer is surprisingly very handy and informative (compare the old stuff we had to deal with)
- Identity: exc07\Unreachable\34763
- Subject: test 1
- Internet Message ID: <58FB3B58ECF7E94C949A63A38F@exc07.smtp25.org>
- From Address: oz@smtp25.org
- Status: Ready
- Size (KB): 1
- Message Source Name: FromLocal
- Source IP:
- SCL: -1
- Date Received: 4/29/2008 10:06:30 PM
- Expiration Time: 5/1/2008 10:06:30 PM
- Last Error: A matching connector cannot be found to route the external recipient
- Queue ID: exc07\Unreachable
- Recipients: telnet25@Gmail.com
Best regards,
- Oz ozugurlu,
- Systems Engineer
- MCSE 2003 M+ S+ MCDST
- Security Project+ Server+
- oz@SMTp25.org
- http://smtp25.blogspot.com
Thanks for your info.
it's very helful, make my exchange running well to send messages to external receipent.
Once again, a big thanks to you.
Been struggeling for a while with this now.... tried *.* etc etc and kept failing LOL!!! Who knew, only add a * to the address space...
Thanks dude
Thank you.
I just switched over to Exchange 2010 this past weekend and noticed that none of my outbound mail was getting out. Changed the address space to "*" - and all is well. MS would do well to change the text suggesting a domain name value.
Thank you, that did it!
Worked like a champ on a exch 2010sp1 install, Thanks!
Thanks for this helpful info!
it's working! thanks!
Thanks for the great tip. you are genious!
"A matching connector cannot be found to route the external recipient" in my logs after I removed my Exchange 2003 from my org, and now i am left with exchange 2010 only. Removed all Routing Group Connectors too.
thx very much
Thanks a LOT!! :)
fantastic, thank you very much
Thanks for helpfull info
Six years later...thank you. Still good info.
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